We are the biggest Market Operator in Poland

We are the biggest Market Operator in Poland. For 15 years we have been active on the market as part of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Capital Group. W have been building our experience since 2001, that is from the beginning of the formation of structures of the balancing market and the wholesale electrical energy market
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InfoEngine provides Market Operator services for electrical energy market participants on the basis of legal regulations contained in Warunki Dotyczące Bilansowania (WDB – Transmission Grid Code), prepared by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A (TSO). In this scope we provide the following services for our clients:
• Market Operator;
• Entity Responsible for Trade Balancing.

Balancing Service Provider


InfoEngine also offers complex solutions for balancing services, including electrical energy as well as balancing capacity.

DUB entails a market participant with reserve units, which can provide balancing services for the benefit of the Transmission System Operator (OSP).