Balancing Service Provider

Balancing Service Provider (DUB) - InfoEngine

Balancing Service Provider operation scheme:

The Balancing Service Provider intermediates between owners of different scheduling units of the energy market (production units, energy storage units, and consumers) and the Transmission System Operator (OSP). DUB’s tasks include:

  • Data exchange: Supply of unhindered data exchange between asset owners and OSP, including measurement data, operational dispositions and notifications.
  • Notification handling: receipt and processing of notifications from asset owners, relating to their participation in the Balancing Market.
  • Transmission of dispositions: Transmission of operational dispositions from OSP to asset owners, which enables dynamic control of production units, energy storages and energy consumers.

Cooperation with InfoEngine as a DUB:

InfoEngine, as a DUB, takes financial responsibility for the execution of OSP instructions by client assets, in the scope resulting from the agreement between asset owners and InfoEngine, providing control over the balancing process.

  • Comprehensive service: InfoEngine provides complex services in the scope of energy balancing, alleviating the burden on asset owners related to technical aspects of cooperation with OSP.
  • In the process of providing DUB services InfoEngine uses an integrated IT system, which includes OSP communication systems such as SOWE, WIRE and LFC, over which DUB has direct influence, guaranteeing quick and safe data exchange; as well as client communication systems, which enable effective management of assets and limitation of risk related to participation in the balancing market.
  • Management of different types of scheduling units: As a DUB InfoEngine possesses the required competence and tools to manage a wide spectrum of energy market units, such as production, energy storage and consumer units, which enables effective balancing of the electrical energy system.
  • Compliance with regulations: All activities are carried out in accordance with applicable regulations, and requirements of the balancing market.
  • Experience and expertise: InfoEngine possesses perennial experience in the energy sector including in the scope of energy balancing, and uses advanced IT systems, which guarantee highest quality of provided DUB services.
  • Expert support: InfoEngine offers expert support in the scope of energy balancing and the participation in the system services market.

Perspectives for development:

Cooperation with InfoEngine in the scope of balancing services opens up new business development possibilities for asset owners (wind farms, photovoltaic installations, energy storages, consumers) as well as new possibilities for revenue generation. InfoEngine supports its clients in development of business models and qualification for participation in the system services market.

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